Fingerprint Documentation

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Generating Fingerprints
  4. Comparing Fingerprints
  5. Archival Usage
  6. Data Preservation
  7. Data Transmission
  8. Backup Integrity
  9. Security Tripwire
  10. Cryptographic Sealing
  11. Notarizing
  12. Final Words

Transferring data by copying it from one location to another may cause data loss and corruption due to transmission errors. Fingerprint can easily check whether data has been transferred correctly.

Before copying..

Simply use fingerprint to analyse the data directory before copying:

$ fingerprint -a data/
$ scp -r data/

After copying..

Use fingerprint to verify the data directory on the destination:

-- On
$ fingerprint -v
	error.count 0
<span class="stderr">Data verified, 0 errors found.</span>